Beta 20 HP Number K15553.
Only has a Beta Control panel with a keyswitch.

When leaving boat for an extended period turn off sea cock (in cupboard under the sink) and turn off the isolate battery switch.
When starting boat engine ...
- Turn sea cock on (in line with pipe)
- Turn on battery isolator switch
- Ensure engine is OUT of GEAR but throttle about one third open
- Turn key for 10 seconds or so maximum to HEAT position (15 seconds and longer will damage starter plugs and lead to poor starting later).
- Turn clockwise to START to start!
Panel should illuminate!
Green lamp for panel power should come on
Buzzer should sound
Red lamp should light for low oil pressure
Red lamp for high engine temperature should NOT come on
Red lamp for no starter battery charge should come on
- Leave key in RUN position by releasing from START
All re lamp warning lights should go off
Buzzer should stop
Note: Oil pressure warning may take some time to go out
Battery charge may not go out on tick-over - only if revs are higher (2,000 rpm).
Stopping the engine
Normally use STOP button - Hold until engine stops ... should be in a few seconds ...
Alternately there is a lever on the engine if the steps are lifted out. This lever is held towards the stern and stops the engine.
Never switch the key to OFF when the engine is running as the alternator will not charge the battery.
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