Departure Point - North 50 degrees 43 minutes // East 1 degree 27 minutes at 16.30; log reading 3.644; course steered 240 M; wind speed 12 knots SW; Barometer 996; wind W/SW 3 to 4 knots – veering NW later, occasionally gusting 5 knots. Sea was moderate to rough and visibility good occasionally poor with showers later.
Departing Hamble Point Marina, Hamble, near Southampton heading for Maryport, Cumbria.

DAY ONE – Tuesday 19th July – Hamble to Portland: First port of call aimed for was Weymouth. We motored being unhappy with the time we had with the strangely rigged boom and given the rough seas. As we dropped past the Needles the seas were quite choppy, but the boat cut nicely through the waves.

Got intercepted off the Lulworth Ranges, by the range officer in a patrol boat off at around 19:00 … and he asked us, via VHF, very politely, to steer 255 M for 5 nm, to clear the range.

*Portland Marina has no natural inlet giving shelter for its 600 berths so a 860m-long breakwater has been built to safely put in network of pontoons. (that are still being installed - couldn't get fuel!). It cost £27 million, and is built on a former Royal Navy Air Site, part of an overall plan of the South West Regional Development Agency and will play an important role in the sailing events for the London 2012 Games when its on-shore facilities and 250 of its berths will be dedicated to the occasion. Prior to the Games. The marina is an approved training centre for Olympic teams - the neighbouring Sailing Academy is home to Team GB, and the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) has based its training camp at the marina to support training ahead of the Games. We saw some of the competitors and their coaches.
Also noteworthy on the South West coast was the number of gannets seen ... and many fishing by plunging into the sea.
DAY TWO – Wednesday 20th July – Portland to Dartmouth: Filled up with breakfast (Bacon & Egg Paninis), and tea then the fuel tanks (by hand as the fuel bunker/pontoon was being moved and was unconnected) … I thought I was getting a 10 gallon jerry-can free for one moment! We put about 17.5 litres in the boat’s tank. We sailed with two full 5 litres plastic cans plus a 5 litre plastic can with about a half in at 14:00 hours, expecting a 0.5 knot tide against us until 15:00 when we should pick up a westerly wind and a 3 knot tide until about 2000 that evening, (HW Dover + 5 hours). The barometer was rising – to 1002 m/b. We set a course for Dartmouth, still motoring for reasons already stated. We had more kindly seas but still we didn’t get into the Dart until dark.
It was around 23:00 we berthed at what turned out to be a pontoon space big enough for a 12 metre, which is what was coming in shortly we were told at 09:00 – so move little boat! In fact the marina guy was very pleasant and we moved to a more convenient berth in a delightful, sunny morning. We moved, hooked up and had our usual shower etc. then got the water taxi into the town, where we had a full breakfast in a pub, watched Atlantis land (end of the Space Shuttle!), did a little shopping for lunches and headed back to the boat. Nice place Dartmouth!
DAY THREE – Thursday 21st July – Dartmouth to Plymouth:
We departed N50.08.61 / E -04.13.99 for Plymouth, after filling up, after a 10 minute delay at the fuel bunker (we put in 21.68 litres* – including topping up the 5 litre half empty plastic can), at about 13:00.
* My calculation was that the boat had done 9 hours motoring on about 19 litres – roughly 2 litres an hour – Ron’s estimate).
We reached Plymouth - picture of Drake's Island and moored up, helped by “Roger,” (not his correct name!), and Daz, (proper name), his Yorkshire terrier, at 20:00. He was on a Sweden 340 but had in the past owned a Contessa 32. We met up later in the bar where we had a meal together. He was retired, and sailing to the Med, via a visit to his daughter in Northern Brittany. He would winter in Malta and decide whether to do more of the Med or go off for the Caribbean the year after. Actually on reflection it all sounded a bit sad.

DAY FOUR – Friday 22nd July – Plymouth to Falmouth: Didn't refill and breakfasted on the boat. Sailed at 0930 with the barometer rising still, at 1012. Forecast suggested 3 to 4 occasionally gusting at 5 with mixed visibility and possibly rain. We had the sails up for a while and she handled well ... did 39 Nm and got into Falmouth (impressive entrance), but had to raft up (three of us), at around 18:45 – 35Nm.

We had time to get out and eat at a local restaurant - v. small port-like and the old type of seaside place- mackerel and rabbit - both wrapped in pancetta & then hake. We both liked Falmouth - it is sure to be worth a visit another time.
DAY FIVE – Saturday 23rd July – Falmouth to Milford Haven: 144Nm Set off sailing on this, the big leg! But before we got too close to dusk and some of the hazards the plan called for us to motor the rest of this difficult leg and also to give plenty of sea room to the hazards - starting with The Manacles (there at about 12 noon - engine on!),

From here we headed for a point just of Cape Cornwall and then off into the Celtic Sea and into the night!
DAY SIX – Sunday 24th July - still on route to Milford Haven:
It isn't darkest before dawn - which broke finding us both awake and reasonably cheerful. However we were concerned that there was little or no wind and we had not got enough fuel to motor all the way. I think this weighed more heavily on Stan than myself. We kept motoring but sure enough, later in the morning the wind sprang up - westerlies too, so we had a decent port beam reach up towards the Pembrokeshire coast. But it was a l o n g old way!
We motored the last part - maybe two Nm - into Milford Haven as the wind died and fog or mist was starting up. Bottlenose dolphins (or Harbour Porpoises), accompanied us for the lest few miles ...

We entered the Milford Haven Waterway and motored right down to the bridge and turned to port to slowly enter Neylands Yacht Haven. Helped in by two charming guys (one turned out to be the Haven Master!) we left the boat here after a night on board

and headed off home via the end of the line rail station at Milford Haven!
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